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[FR/EN]-AvJeux # DeathMatch Assault 24/7-

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Numero 577
Online players
# Apodo Score Online time
1 Fest Fest 778 0d, 1:28:22
2 JASON BOURNE 508 0d, 0:52:21
3 Target Practice 479 0d, 1:16:48
4 xhamster 457 0d, 2:10:8
5 Adlet 452 0d, 2:12:16
6 Finalizer 383 0d, 1:10:24
7 Player 382 0d, 0:51:12
8 Cochon grillay 375 0d, 1:36:0
9 Troll 356 0d, 2:25:4
10 Iphone 5 350 0d, 1:10:24
11 Xoliment 334 0d, 1:4:0
12 Dr. No 326 0d, 1:33:52
13 HI THERE 322 0d, 2:10:8
14 - Tu dors, + Tu Rox 320 0d, 1:21:4
15 Murder Inc. 311 0d, 1:18:56
16 Guts 269 0d, 0:40:32
17 M0rbid Desire 258 0d, 0:36:16
18 ZAWMBEEZ 244 0d, 1:23:12
19 guy 138 0d, 1:21:4
20 Crazed Gunman 135 0d, 1:18:56
21 AvJeux 134 0d, 1:44:32
22 Guitar Hero Loser 128 0d, 0:42:40
23 Ping of Death 74 0d, 1:4:0
24 Sampoerna 56 0d, 1:59:28
25 Sorbouboul2Caca 45 0d, 1:40:16
26 Nosound 36 0d, 2:1:36
27 Ipad 32 0d, 0:55:28
28 Anti-Cheat 0 0d, 0:19:12
29 Hltv AvJeux 0 0d, 0:49:4
30 Vip/Admin 0 0d, 2:14:24
Top 10 players
# Apodo Online time
1 ???? 58d, 2:22:13
2 Vip/Admin 58d, 2:22:13
3 Hltv AvJeux 58d, 2:22:13
4 Anti-Cheat 58d, 2:22:13
5 Mad Dog 58d, 2:22:11
6 HEAVENS DOOR 58d, 2:22:11
7 Younesse RZK 58d, 2:22:11
8 > KoS 58d, 2:22:11
9 SERVER 58d, 2:22:11
10 C4CTU$ | The Real Frag 58d, 2:22:11


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