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.: :: TS3 dla graczy :: 145 / 512 online :.

145/512 players 🇵🇱 Poland TeamSpeak TeamSpeak






No. 242
Online players
# Nickname
1 Unknown
2 Wasik
3 Patka
4 Nikor
5 Maya
6 K0fighter
7 bajabongo
8 Patryk
9 The Goonist
10 Kazak
11 MonsterOO
12 Q_touch
13 Piotrek
14 TdrRdz
15 Roysen
16 M4LY
17 Maksiu
19 Patisza
21 tomasz_chic
22 darenski
23 Cornuś
24 BLE321123
25 Dawen
26 majlo
27 NoEloElo
28 BOT-02
29 BOT-19
30 BOT-16
31 BOT-01
32 BOT-09
33 BOT-12
34 BOT-06
35 BOT-15
36 BOT-07
37 BOT-11
38 BOT-08
39 BOT-18
40 BOT-13
41 BOT-10
42 BOT-03
43 BOT-14
44 BOT-17
45 BOT-05
46 BOT-04
47 _Andrzej
48 N1AP3K
49 cozzy
51 OlseN
52 domin
53 Matiko565
54 JoyBoy
55 toster234
56 _Dami
57 ILE07
58 Reach
59 nerexuu
60 JeyJey
61 proboszcz
62 dzisiaj do roboty
63 Ziemek
64 rakonaldo
65 Kutabaniarz
66 kapok
67 zaku
68 Danielos96
69 XD3
70 kylometinczykHWDP2137
71 dzadzo
72 Ryba
73 wardeg
74 Szymonekk33
75 dartel1
76 dupadupa
77 Gas analyzer
78 Prywaciarz
79 Goryl
80 Cichope
81 LangoCzan
82 Radek
83 Irysek
84 SztywnyTypek
85 KiloGram
86 rumun
87 barbarka
88 Gibi
89 Andrzej
90 Stroferso
91 szotrab
92 marSki
93 tuoskarek
94 niggerkiller37
95 kapi
96 Klaudia
97 Cappuccino Nagasaki
98 nisasa
99 tygrys diego
100 kris750
101 darkwood
102 popeusz_
103 kurwica
104 n3peK
105 Shiro
106 Kolega
107 Namcio
108 jzk
109 respect0073
110 RA7PH
111 sąsiad
113 Woo
114 ☯prezes mrok☯
115 Pluto
116 dzem
117 gicik amane
118 skurwiel
119 nesti
120 VeXeN
121 Łukasz WM
122 Boruta
123 Varez
124 gera
125 ꓕOHSꓷⱯꓭ
126 Dżeki son
127 jojooko
128 sucharr
129 LIPA
130 hahlyta
131 Patryk Swayze
132 Tajemniczy czarny obiekt
133 n0cnymarek
134 jaaaa
135 Hemux
136 TeZee7
137 DominującyGrzesiek_26
138 Mansoon
139 MrMefi
140 Sm3FovY
141 ☣][❗❗☣
142 I3umbleI3ee
143 Tadeusz Rydzyk
144 Radio2
145 jdylanc
146 Czechmon
148 RankBot
Top 10 players
# Nickname Online time
1 Hemux 563d, 2:17:19
2 mikio33 560d, 22:18:24
3 zechuxd 557d, 0:48:5
4 KirKo 552d, 10:41:25
5 551d, 20:10:33
6 gandi 551d, 5:10:37
7 Zadzior 550d, 16:41:42
8 pazich 547d, 1:19:21
9 melo64v 544d, 2:50:1
10 Kierownik Mieczys?aw 543d, 18:13:22

channel icon[3]...

channel icon .: Knły klnow :.

channel icon#1 - 🎮 TmZmknijMod🎮

channel iconOnlin: 1/11

channel iconNdj/zbiz ngę

channel iconKnły klnow

channel icon1.🍻 Pokój Wytzźwiń🍺

player BOT-18

player dartel1

player jzk

player jdylanc

channel icon2. 🤜🏽 JOSD Zon 🤛🏽

channel icon3.🚽 Robi💩

channel iconPozklni

channel icon#2 - Bnnd

channel iconOnlin: 6/16

channel iconNdj/zbiz ngę

channel iconKnły klnow

channel iconBnnd

player Roysen

player BOT-11

player Ziemek

player RA7PH

player nesti

player VeXeN

player Mansoon

channel iconCS

channel iconLoL

channel iconGTA V

channel iconSm n m

channel iconPozklni

channel icon[8]...

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły mx 2 ❑»】

channel icon1. mx 2

player proboszcz

player dzisiaj do roboty

channel icon2. mx 2

player darenski

player majlo

channel icon3. mx 2

player MonsterOO

player TdrRdz

channel icon4. mx 2

channel icon5. mx 2

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły mx 3 ❑»】

channel icon1. mx 3

player barbarka

player Gibi

player Stroferso

channel icon2. mx 3

channel icon3. mx 3

channel icon4. mx 3

channel icon5. mx 3

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły mx 4 ❑»】

channel icon1. mx 4

channel icon2. mx 4

channel icon3. mx 4

channel icon4. mx 4

channel icon5. mx 4

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły mx 5 ❑»】

channel icon1. mx 5

channel icon2. mx 5

channel icon3. mx 5

channel icon4. mx 5

channel icon5. mx 5

channel iconAFK

channel iconTylni

channel icon[94]

channel icon[]...

channel icon[92]

channel icon【« ❑ Boty muzyzn ❑»】

channel icon[923]

channel icon【« ❑ Rkod onlin: 319 ❑»】

channel icon[91]

channel icon 【« ❑ Rgulmin ❑»】

channel icon[95]

channel icon 【« ❑ Lobby ❑»】

player Unknown

player Q_touch

player NoEloElo

player kapok

player Dżeki son

player DominującyGrzesiek_26

player Tadeusz Rydzyk


player RankBot

channel icon[111]

channel iconTlot n knł klnowy

channel icon[11230]

channel iconTlot n knł ywtny

channel icon[10]

channel iconTwozni knłu ywtngo (utomt)

channel icon[9]

channel icon[10]...

channel iconAdminitj onlin: 1

channel icon → Stf Adminitji ←

channel icon» Admin - tot234

channel iconGzowni

player BOT-01

player toster234


channel iconVnih

channel iconAfk

channel icon111 - SZTUKI

channel iconTwozni knłu klnowgo

channel icon» Mod - Dbol

channel iconKotłowni

channel iconPijlni tyki

channel icon» Mod - Mtuz :)

channel iconBk 1

channel iconAil

channel icon[11]...

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły ywtn ❑»】

channel icon001 - Ult fjni 🐧

channel icon🐳 Lmon lmbo🐳

channel iconUjkowi

channel icon⚰ Dhni⚰

channel icon002 - 😎POZDROOOOO😎


channel icon👶🏻Pini👶🏻

channel icon003 - Minittwo dziwnyh koków

channel iconRozkłd jzdy - jzd z kuwmi

player dupadupa

player Gas analyzer

channel iconZkz tzlni w intybuto

channel icon004 - 2137 gming

channel iconKnł #1 / Mjkft , Kont h

player Nikor

player Kazak

player Maksiu

player BOT-06

player Hemux

channel iconKnł #2 / Ko tu był / No Stlking

channel icon5.19 / Big B. ol / Ngywk H

channel iconSim Sim o tj oz / Skibidi Sigmy

channel icon005 - DB

player Patka

player BOT-10

channel iconDbśiki

channel iconKąik Mluh - ni zzkdzć

channel icon006 - MihPol

player BOT-05

player _Andrzej

player popeusz_

player Pluto

player skurwiel

channel icon#NiOddjmyKyDzidowi/dzidu un

channel iconhuyz

channel iconOobny knl dl wl Andzj

channel iconok

channel icon007 - LubLn

channel iconwojt mit

channel icontmit

channel icon008 - 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 od mizą 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫

channel icondl dłów

channel iconni dl dłów

player BOT-09

player Reach

channel icon009 - LoEmito

channel iconKonfionł 1v1

channel iconAFK z z Z Z

channel icon010 - Ktoś oś?

channel iconBolk

channel iconLolk

channel icon011 - AutoTn

player Patryk

player Piotrek

player kurwica

player Łukasz WM

player Radio2

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon012 - igm

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon013 - Pijlni iw

channel iconPLUTON1

channel iconPLUTON2

channel icon014 - Szitl Pyhityzny w Tozku

player BOT-15

player JeyJey

player Szymonekk33

player Kolega

player Namcio

channel iconIEM DANIEC

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon015 - T Clown

channel iconIEM Cihoink

channel iconDudowni

channel icon016 - Stz

channel iconHnyów (wlowni)

channel iconStz 2

channel icon017 - oy z lol

channel iconzy my

channel iconhoku oku

player wardeg

player kapi

player Klaudia

channel icon018 - Pyhityk

channel iconmix

channel iconmix2

channel icon019 - St Wilki

player Ryba

player Cichope

channel iconJb zydow

channel iconModoio

channel icon020 - Kkowiz

channel iconFAME #1

channel iconMMA #2

channel icon021 - JTKK9

channel iconKURWIDOŁEK


channel icon022 - INFINITY

player BOT-19

player ☣][❗❗☣

player I3umbleI3ee

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon023 - Kondo

channel iconPiot moning t 🤠👹 👺😍

player Prywaciarz

player sąsiad

player LIPA

player Tajemniczy czarny obiekt

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon024 - CS #1

channel iconCS #2

channel iconInn giki/ogdnk

channel icon025 - Vit

player BOT-07

player tygrys diego

player dzem

player gicik amane

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon026 - KLUB

player BOT-08

player JoyBoy

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon027 - Vz

player BOT-04

player nisasa

player Varez

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon028 - ♥

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon029 - Duzki NNI

player BARAN

player BLE321123

player ILE07

player Goryl

player kris750

channel iconKnł n 7dy

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon030 - Mizki Pwln'

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon031 - Autotd do BONJORNO

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon032 - Wlk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon033 - Kąik otyki

channel iconEin Ek d Fidn fü Ml

channel iconśląki kąik otyki

channel icon034 - Słonzk Mihliny

channel iconświt zmioł wojnngo m+ yzyfowni

channel iconZłog łodzi odwodnj

channel icon035 - Kubxxll

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon036 - __--ECPU--__ !?

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon037 - Hjtunio

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon038 - Juku CSowy ______________________

channel iconHll

channel iconLnovo

channel icon039 - DużynPtoli

player Kutabaniarz

player zaku

player LangoCzan

player Radek

player KiloGram

channel iconMnlni

channel iconZ/W

channel icon040 - imbi

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon041 - Kmilioz

player Cornuś

player OlseN

channel iconKizyk

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon042 - Rfl

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon043 - RZW

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon044 - Chujoowni

player hahlyta

player TeZee7

player MrMefi

channel iconSioini

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon045 - till

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon046 - Bni Gn

player niggerkiller37

player Boruta

player jojooko

player Patryk Swayze

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon047 - Wooblok


player Woo

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon048 - SztywnyTyk

player RZABSON

player SztywnyTypek

player tuoskarek

channel iconZW

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon049 - Zon Gming

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon050 - Al lkki

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon051 - DRG wilki owUt

player nerexuu

player ☯prezes mrok☯

player ꓕOHSꓷⱯꓭ

player sucharr

player jaaaa

channel iconjblni

channel iconmlin

channel icon052 - ZOO

channel iconzoo1

channel iconzoo2

channel icon053 - CS-GO Dwid

channel iconSmii

channel iconDowny

channel icon054 - Kmonnnn

channel iconLDABLJU

channel icondmix

channel icon055 - ix doubl 0

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon056 - KomunyStt

player Maya

player dzadzo

player Cappuccino Nagasaki

player n3peK

player Shiro

channel iconN łw

channel iconZ blokim

channel icon057 - Andzj

player rumun

player Andrzej

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon058 - ☜★☞ Po Potu Gmy ☜☆☞

channel icon☜★☞ ☆ ★ ☜☆☞

channel icon☜★☞ A F K ☜☆☞

channel icon059 - Hoonowni

channel iconLoL / TFT

channel iconCS / POE2 / WARZONE ITP

channel icon060 - hzkomo 3.0

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon061 - Żłoki Jżyk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon062 - d

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon063 - Klbng i Ad14n

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon064 - Tm Wolo

channel iconPogduhy

channel iconAFK

channel icon065 - DRAMAT GAMING

player Danielos96

player n0cnymarek

channel iconCS2

channel iconLig Lgo

channel icon066 - Njwikz zfy

channel iconTon dl kólów

channel iconBud dl dmk

channel icon067 - Lukuow Wyboow

channel iconAPEXY

channel icon997

channel icon068 - AZRAEL - o0o0o0ooooooooooooooooooo

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon069 - K2174

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon070 - Autyśi

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon071 - CHOROSZCZA

channel icon

channel iconb

channel icon072 - _RdRum_

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon073 - KCEEk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon074 - Ubojni

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon075 - LOL

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon076 - ######

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon077 - 106- PIWNICA

player XD3

player kylometinczykHWDP2137

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon078 - LtHo L2

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon079 - //////////////////////////////

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon080 - Gmbling

channel iconFit

channel iconAFK

channel icon081 - b o

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon082 - uwu

channel iconjtm od yznim fk

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon083 - kohmy lok

player szotrab

player marSki

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon084 - Dwn

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon085 - Gni w gy

channel iconInny

channel iconPozklni

channel icon086 - 674

channel iconCS

channel iconfdfd

channel icon087 - 2hlin

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon088 - O O O O

channel icon.

channel icon,

channel icon089 - Gmy w Coś

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon090 - 103 -SPACERNIAK

channel iconCELA NR 1

channel iconCELA NR 2

channel icon091 - Ekyk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł

channel icon092 - Zu Mlzn

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon093 - PIPECENTER


channel iconLETARG

channel icon094 - Nxo

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon095 - Ptiz

player Patisza

player KOJOTEL

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon096 - 106 Olo widolo

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon097 - nnyj

channel iconDyZ Stndlon

channel iconMulti Thft Auto

channel icon098 - TiToCt

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon099 - Gntlmn

channel iconTEAM A

channel iconTEAM B

channel icon100 - zydowołęk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon101 - dwj Milnk

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon102 - DminTmT

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon103 - Biuo Intwnji Obywtlkij

channel iconZząd BIO

channel iconOj tnow BIO

channel icon104 - ozzy

player The Goonist

player BOT-13

player cozzy

player Matiko565

player rakonaldo

channel iconPodknł #1

channel iconPodknł #2

channel icon[111]...

channel icon 【« ❑ Knły Tymzow ❑»】

channel icon[] © TS-24.o

channel iconlit

player darkwood

player respect0073

player gera

channel icon2

channel iconjd


Open Graph banner Small banner
Small banner
Wide banner

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Server description

Polski serwer TeamSpeak idealny dla graczy, istniejemy już od 2016 roku.

  • Boty muzyczne
  • Kanały klanowe
  • Kanały prywatne
  • Dynamiczne kanał publiczne (gdy zabraknie miejsca, stworzą się nowe)
  • Giveawaye i turnieje
  • System leveli
  • Zawansowana strona z systemem profili, znajomych oraz komentarzy


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