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NBRP | 900 Cars & Racing/Drifting | Custom Map & Interiors | Dozens Of Jobs | Advanced Gang/Turf/Arena Wars & Drugs | Businesses, Gambling, and Crypto | Active DOJ(LSPD, BCSO, Lawyers, Judges), EMF(EMS, SAFD), & DOT




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New Beginnings


New Beginnings
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New Beginnings

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Online hráči
# Přezdívka
1 soup
2 Nolan
3 Bangs
4 mark7
5 Venor
6 Xetto.
7 dodge
8 Vowki
9 Dino
10 Ryanw
11 makestad ***********
12 thegubgub
13 youtoo56
14 Nerdalert
15 lauwarm
16 SpotEmGotemBris
17 Cronos
18 griffinator
19 sebas
24 Fuzzy
25 bzclipz
26 Rainman
27 MarStars
28 eloquent323215
29 Him
30 I See You Too
31 Tee Stepz
32 ameli
33 nate_92wc
34 Cass
35 watching me watching you
10 nejlepších hráčů
# Přezdívka Čas online
1 Spenzo 430d, 17:19:26
2 isuckballs 424d, 9:1:21
3 bkoda 423d, 16:4:39
4 Coyote 422d, 2:3:57
5 tylerforpres2027 418d, 2:32:51
6 {GL} Khiddstarr 410d, 11:39:17
7 histic1 396d, 13:6:22
8 ???� 392d, 4:37:43
9 PapiRevolution 391d, 0:8:5
10 aniszuev866426 385d, 3:24:50


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Popis serveru

There is always something new happening in the fast-paced city of NBRP. This growing server offers many different outlets and possibilities for creative roleplay that fills the gap between tedious economy servers and ultra-casual RP servers. Are you a criminal at heart? Grab a few friends, build up your gear, and pull off a bank heist - or crush those criminals’ dreams in the ranks of LSPD. Looking to stay out of trouble? Work for one of the many player-owned businesses - or be your own boss and work to open your own storefront.

NBRP has a balanced, player-run economy with over 400 vehicles, player homes, and lots of illicit activity. Plus, new things are added into the city every day, and there are lots of secrets to discover. Join now and see what Los Santos has in store for you!



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